
Dr. Edwin Perez is a Dual Board Certified Pain Management Physician and Anesthesiologist. He has been practicing in both fields since 2008. He received his Anesthesia Certification from UMDNJ now Rutger University and his Pain Medicine Certification from the University of Washington in Seattle. He works with a diverse patient population who seek treatment for a variety of pain and pain-related illnesses, As his practice developed he developed particular interests in conditions such as Complex Regional Pain, Migraines, Cancer pain, and CAM therapy. He has held positions as Director of Acute Pain at Newark Beth Israel in New Jersey, Director of Chronic Pain Services at Centurion Pain and Anesthesia based in Valley Stream, New York, and is credentialed with the NYU Health System, Brooklyn Hospital and Wychoff Hospital. When not at work he enjoys reading and event production. He also enjoys story-telling shows and sharing stories which on one or two occasions has led to winning for best story told
Education and training
Medical School - Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Doctor of Medicine
Carnegie Mellon University (Bachelor’s)
State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center, Residency in General Surgery
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Residency in Anesthesiology
Edwin Perez
Medical Licenses
License Number
Issued State
Orthopedics and Pain Management
New York
Medical Group Practice
Doing Business as
Legal Organization Name
Number of Members
Pambo Medical Neuro-Rehabilitation
Practice Locations
903 Sheridan Ave, The Bronx, NY 10451, USA
Pambo Medical Neuro-Rehabilitation, P C